Making of Copyright or Royalty free music! | Beatoven

When you are making a video on YouTube or editing a post for your social media by using some background music, the use of copyrighted music without seeking permission from the rightful owner may put you into legal trouble. This is why new content creators are very skeptical about which music to use in their content. In an effort to make their life a little easier, royalty free music exists. But what is royalty free music? And why do some artists make copyright or royalty free music? This is exactly what we are going to see in this article.

What is copyright or royalty free music and its benefits?

Royalty free music in simple terms refers to the music for which you as a content creator do not need to pay royalties to a multitude of right holders like record companies, labels, publishers and artists if you choose to use that music for your content. As the traditional music licensing process is a lot lengthier and complicated, the availability of royalty free music has been an absolute blessing to content creators.

Although royalty free music does not necessarily mean free and often comes under a single distributed license. It is still better than going through the licensing of copyrighted music as the license for royalty free music can be purchased once and be used for lifetime. It is also important to note that there is some difference between royalty free and copyright free because even a royalty free piece of music might have some copyrights on it which you need to be aware of before using it. 

As we all know, when creating a video or making a post more expressive or attractive, the audio plays an important role and the existence of royalty free music means that even new content creators who do not have the knowledge or budget to go through the traditional licensing process can also create spectacular content using royalty free music for videos.

Benefits of Royalty free music

Some common and important benefits of royalty free music are as follows:

  • One of the biggest benefits of royalty free music is that you do not have to worry about your content getting flagged as it is completely legal to use.
  • Even the best royalty free music either comes free or for a very cheap price that you have to pay only once for purchasing the lifelong license
  • Royalty free music available on most sites is subscription based and you are free to use it once you subscribe to the site
  • Although royalty free and copyright free music may seem limited, there are many websites who allow content creators access to such music either for free or at a minimum price. All you have to know is where to look.

Why do some artists make their music copyright or royalty free?

There can be a number of reasons as to why an artist or band choses to make their music copyright or royalty free. One of the main reasons for this may be to get a good exposure as a new artist or band. As the competition in the music industry is on the rise, new artists may not get the kind of exposure they need by creating music with high amounts of royalties on their first go. This is why to get noticed and reach out to a larger audience, these artists end up creating copyright or royalty free music. 

How does Beatoven help them in this process?

Beatoven is an AI powered music creator tool that helps artists to create their own royalty free music using artificial intelligence. This tool is user-friendly and can be used by new artists with not much knowledge about the music theory or production to create music which is then made the most popular royalty free music by making it available for content creators who use it in their videos and short films. This process benefits both the artist and the creators to get a wider reach.